Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”


About us

Located at the foot of the Creux-du-Van in Noiraigue, Pragmatic Management Sàrl is a business management firm that provides board of director services and financial and administrative services to corporate structures that are unable to employ a multidisciplinary specialist due to their critical size. Drawing on its CEO and founder’s experience, the company is able to provide in addition, training and coaching services within the areas of its competence.

At the heart of a network of specialists in the financial, judicial, tax, trust and legal sectors, Pragmatic Management Sàrl aims to bring its solid expertise to its clients so as to bring a significant added value to the services provided.

Guided by values based on respect, trust and credibility in its work, Pragmatic Management Sàrl favors business relations that share these same values in order to evolve in a context geared to performance.